My lab mix, Trace, found in Mississippi along the Natchez Trace, thus the name, has 3 or more huge sores on his head. I noticd them last night when I went to take him off the line ( he chases the chickens) The largest onewas ozzing pus, and it seemed to cause him pain. My husband cleaned them & put antibiotic oint on it. This morning I went to check him again, and when I touched the area he went nuts, and attacked me, tearing my shirt. Scared the snot out of me. He's a big dog too. Truthfully thought about killing him, but then I thought he may be in pain. I found some blu-kote we have for the goats, and tried to use that on him, only got one area sprayed before he ran . I do have pain meds I am going to give him, but what do you think this is ?