need help my hen is not moving breathing through her mouth and is cold


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 22, 2011
Isle of Wight County, VA
We went out side and one of our chickens was not moving around like she usually does.
Her comb is a purple-ish/red color. It is also cool to the touch.
She is breathing from her mouth and does not want to stand up on her.

We have given her a bath in very warm water to try and warm her up. And put her in direct sunlight.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I'm sorry for your loss I wish I could have helped with your question but I only just got chicks for the first time,Again, so sorry.
So very is awful not knowing what could be wrong and if it will affect any others.
We let them free range through the yard and I wonder if she got into something that she shouldn't have. We haven't had a cold winter here, with only a few nights dropping to the 30's.

She seemed fine yesterday. She came running, as usual, when I went outside to feed them. She loved to eat out of my hand and would jump on my lap, if I sat down.
This happened to my 11 month old Australorp today. She was fine around noon and then I saw her laying down around 2:30 and would not get up. I took her to the vet and she could not find anything wrong with her. She said she was stressed and thought maybe a hawk landed on their run and scared her. She died about an hour later. I am so sorry this happened to you as well. I wish I knew why this happened.
I've lost two hens to pesticide poisoning. Their symptoms were as you describe. In less than 24 hours following exposure to the pesticide, they were unable to stand, and death was very quick after that.

Most pesticides are neurotoxins, affecting the nervous system and brain. At first, I couldn't figure out how they could have gotten into any pesticide. Then I put two and two together. I had sprayed some larva in potting soil in a planter and several days later, watered that pot. The water drained through the soil and out the drain hole in the bottom, leaching out the pesticide, forming a puddle which the hens drank from.

When a chicken is healthy one day, and has problems with motor control the next day and quickly dies, I suspect pesticides. Even a very tiny bit will affect a chicken's delicate system.

I was so, so sorry my chickens had to suffer from my learning curve.

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