NEED HELP NOW!!! Blind Tiny

My suggestion would be not to change anything in her environment. Don't change where anything is located and don't change bedding (type that is) It's got to be pretty stressful for an animal to not know what something new is. I'm betting she's been eating pine shavings and her body is screaming for nutrients and isn't getting any. Once you change that back, I think you will find that she'll go back to normal.
The sound for water issue sounds fabulous!!

Best of luck and hoping Tiny is doing better now.

Sounds like she was just really hungry and ate to fast.
If you put a table spoon of Apple Cider Vinigar
in one gallon of water she will smell it and find the water better.

When you have the time make her a wet mash to eat.
If you take a 1/3 cup of crumbles and 1/4 cup HOT water with a cap full of molasses.
Stir the mixture fast it will be moist but not MUSH.
She will love it. sometimes you could even stir in a teaspoon of yogert.
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you can offer the feed in the hollow of a melon or cantelope... put it on a tray so if the feed falls out and she wants to peck then there will be no shavings there for her to unintentionally digest.
If it were me I would mix just enough cooked oatmeal through it to make it all clump together...that way she will get more feed in every bite.
If it w4ere me I would be adding a supplement to her feed.
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pips&peeps :

I have to say that raising a blind chicken is very hard. I had one last year that I kept for around 6-8 months. It ended up being a nightmare.

"Helen" got lost several times in the 100 degree weather. I found her at the neighbors in the middle of the driveway twice barely alive. Once she was of laying age the roosters wouldn't leave her alone and she couldn't get away.

Unless you have a special place to put her, I wouldn't recommend the kind of life she is going to have....

Just my two cents from my experience.

Blind Tiny has a great life. She's 9 months old, has her own house and run. There's no way she could get out and get lost, she eats on her own and drinks on her own, she's very happy and heathly...she's just having a issue right now with eating shavings because my dumb tail changed the bedding. That was my fault.

I would NEVER let a blind chicken free range. Tiny is going to be with me for a long time.

Sorry if I sound like I'm being short but NO chicken has ever had the life this pampered peep is getting. Any chicken would kill for the life she has.​
I just love blind tiny posts. It is just a small thing, but shows that there is still so much good in the world. Yes, that little birdie is well cared for, no doubt about it. Keep up the good work Southern!!
I can verify that Tiny has a fabulous setup, as I have visited Trisha and she allowed Haley (my 6 yr old) to hold her.

It's probably the bedding issue, and hopefully Tiny will get back to normal once the bedding is back as usual.

So, How's she doing Trisha?

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