NEED HELP NOW!!! Blind Tiny


yipee for blind tiny, you are a good chicken momma, don't beat yourself up. we all make mistakes sometimes!!!
i love the idea of the clock on her waterer or feeder!! So clever!
I too am the proud owner of a blind chicken. The chick is 5 weeks old. We could tell from the day she was born that she could not see. We immediately took over from the mother and took her to the food and water. Carrie did all she could as the mother, but Blondie was not learning anything.
I admit it is very sad to see her in the yard and not be able to experience eating grass, bugs etc. So I make sure I put those in her food dish for her.

Instinctively she knows how to take a sand bath and scratch, she just does not know to eat what she has scratched. We never leave her unatttended, and she stays right by my feet when we are outside. Whl I am typing this she is sitting on top of my desk. I do not know the gender of this chick even though I refer to it as she. So I do have one question.

If Blondie is actually a rooster would it be advisable to put her down? I seen to think a hen could adapt to being blind more than a rooster? Any advise would be greatly appreciated
Hmm, I wonder when a blind roo would crow...or would he? Not really trying to be funny, but it does come out to a funny pic in my mind
Glad everyone helped you out & I do think putting the apple cider vinegar in her water would help. I give it to all my guys at least every other water change. But, for a blind bird it totally makes sense.
Btw, how do you know she's blind since she has her eye balls? When you posted the pic I expected them to be pecked out or something...Was she injured or born that way? Just curious.

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