Need help NOW! Emergency hatches! Please advise!

Oh - I'm so glad some life is popping out at your place! Yay!
Here is your next update! They are really movin now!



After all that work, they are sleepy now. Aren't they cute?!

PS...And I promise not to open the bator again! Oh, but then how do I mist to keep the humidity up?
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They're takin a break.
lol But they still peep at me when I talk to them. Hey, if we (my daughter and I- Egg #1 is hers, Egg #2 is mine lol) hold them as soon as they are dry and fluffy, will they imprint on us? Augh...this waiting is killin me! Oh, of this confusing 12, I have 4 more that when candled have broken into the air sac, and 2 that are moving around and peeping, though not yet pipped! They are still in the bator until they pip because these 2 in the hatcher move all over the place! Hey, just gotta ask....please tell me I'm not setting us all up for disappointment here. If they have gotten this far, are that strong and loud and active....are they gonna make it? BE HONEST. I dont wanna get us all excited just to have them stall and die.
Cant handle THAT right now, ya know....

Edited to add: Ps: Are my chicks confused or did I fudge up by having them in the turner the whole time? Neither of them seem interested in zipping their shells! They want to just come out the big hole! Is it their breed maybe? They are (supposed to be) Penadesencas. We think they are wheatons by the light colored fluff we can see.
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