Need help on choosing stock.

I see your reasoning but the types are rather different. If you look at their shapes, they look very different! I don't think your idea will work too well.
are you looking to sell the offspring?

make sure there is a strong market for these mixes before you purchase the parent stock.

i mean, don't get me wrong, a lot of people love mixed breeds... however, a lot of those people like to mix the breeds themselves and won't actually go out and buy mixed stock.
lol i mangeded to find a guy with some 4ft long tail bantam phoenix and self blue bantam phoenix so ill probaly get those
There is a lady named Lockedhearts who has some beautiful adult phoenixes for sale. If you have trouble reaching her via pm, please pm me and I'll pm you her number.

We have a wide variety of hatching eggs available:
Speckled sussex
French Black Copper marans
Barred Rocks,
Non production rhode island Reds
Buff orpingtons
sold out of white leghorns for a while...will have more after a while

We will be offering Americaunas and BBS orpingtons and blue barreds and a few more varieties in the spring.

Also have geese, turkeys and guineas in the spring.

We love our poultry!

Please let me know if you are interested in any of these hatching eggs and have a blessed day.
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Yes but you aren't really answering the question! What are you going to do with your zoo?

O forgot got carried away. o plan on selling them of course
mix and match wat you want its all good just realise that they wont be worth jack **** and if you cool with that then i say go for it...

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