I have a silkie that is about to hatch (hopefully) some eggs). I have never done this, so I have a few questions. Most people say to separate the new chicks and momma from the rest of the group. Do I need to set up a red light to keep them warm, or will the momma take care of that? It's still cold here in Maine!
Do I buy medicated chick starter since they aren't going to be vaccinated? The mom hen was vaccinated since I got her from "My Pet CHicken". Do I make an opening in the enclosure so the mom and babies can all get out, or keep them sequestered for a few weeks? Any advice would be helpful. Thank you.
Do I buy medicated chick starter since they aren't going to be vaccinated? The mom hen was vaccinated since I got her from "My Pet CHicken". Do I make an opening in the enclosure so the mom and babies can all get out, or keep them sequestered for a few weeks? Any advice would be helpful. Thank you.