Need help on new momma silkie and her babies

KPort Chick

In the Brooder
11 Years
May 10, 2008
I have a silkie that is about to hatch (hopefully) some eggs). I have never done this, so I have a few questions. Most people say to separate the new chicks and momma from the rest of the group. Do I need to set up a red light to keep them warm, or will the momma take care of that? It's still cold here in Maine!
Do I buy medicated chick starter since they aren't going to be vaccinated? The mom hen was vaccinated since I got her from "My Pet CHicken". Do I make an opening in the enclosure so the mom and babies can all get out, or keep them sequestered for a few weeks? Any advice would be helpful. Thank you.
Some people separate, some don't. Safest is to get their own quarters. If mom is a good mom, and she doesn't have more chicks than she can cover, no added heat is necessary. If she has more chicks than she can deal with, a light would be good.

As for medicated feed, chicks will be exposed to soil early, you say it is cold, and as long as it's clean, you probably don't need medicated feed as they will pick up an immunity to cocci pretty fast. As a note, medicated feed is for cocci, a protozoa, only. When you get "vaccinated" chicks, normally that is for mericks, a virus. Two different things. There is a cocci vaccine, which is nullified by medicated feed, but either way, they can pick up the immunities from the mother hen. If you live in an area prone to cocci in the soil, as some areas are really bad no matter how much cleaning you do, medicated feed is a good insurance.
Thank you. I am not sure if I will do medicated mash or not. I am in confusion mode now since the first 2 eggs hatched today and I am not ready! I put some water in there, but I know they can go for a few days without anything. The mom is doing a good job so far!
Good luck!

If your soil is known to be high in cocci, medicated feed is a good insurance. Some areas it is lower, and some areas it is so high that the feed can't even help at times. It's part season and location, but I'm assuming it's cold and damp where you are, so you can probably get away without medicated feed.

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