Need help. Please


7 Years
Oct 20, 2012
Hey everyone im angie and im new to the site and chickens. My family and I started a coop this spring, 8 RR hens. I LOVE THEM. Never knew how much these girls impacted our lives. My husband SPOILS them and my 7 yr old daughter cant get enough of them. Heres my question. I recently ordered 7 RR peeps they are now 9 weeks old and they are outside in a chicken tractor. I would like to get them in the coop becuse its getting colder outside and the chicken tractor is not warm enough. My problem is the hens. Can I safely put them in with the hens or should I wait. I live in VA and winter is coming. I dont want my lil girls to freeze there lil bums off. Any help? Thanks much Angie
welcome to BYC....
U can try to introduce them to the others, though u wnt them to be close in size so they can defend themselves. try introducing them slowly instead of throwing them together. let them get used to each other for a few days through a wire fence, and then put them in the coop at night while the others are sleeping.
Hello and welcome to BYC from Kentucky! Y N dottes gave you good advice & remember chickens can tolerate cold weather much better than hot. You don't really have to worry about them getting cold as long as the 'coop' part of the tractor is not drafty.

welcome to BYC....
U can try to introduce them to the others, though u wnt them to be close in size so they can defend themselves. try introducing them slowly instead of throwing them together. let them get used to each other for a few days through a wire fence, and then put them in the coop at night while the others are sleeping.
X2 Hello!!
Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!

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