Need help QUICK!!!me.

Hang in there, it'll be okay.
hugs.gif I am with yet another issue....
I have one chick that is doing well but is having some trouble with one is kind of trying to walk on its haunch and not its foot which makes it so it can't really walk to well. Any advice???
Whoa I am behind.........

Not wry neck on the one- usually with that the chick just kind of lays there with its head bent backwards. Drunk staggering is normal after just hatching

with the one not walking on its foot - can you see if the toes on that foot are kind of curled?
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They take a while to sort things out; what kind of surface do you have them on? A lot of people use those rubberized shelf liners, I use an old rag towel. As long as they've got a surface their feet don't slip around on their initial struggles smooth out as they adjust to Life Outside The Egg.
Oh're making me a wreck just reading this thread. Calm down. Breathe.

Alright, it sounds like a. you need a hygrometer and b. your humidity was too high during incubation. You have a couple chicks who didn't absorb the yolk properly and that is why you have all the goo and yellow stickiness one them.

For the chicks that are out, Leave them in the incubator. Leave them be for a day. YES A WHOLE DAY! let them get their "sea legs" before you yank them out and do anything. 9 times out of 10 a chick will straighten itself out with practice. Just like any baby, it has to learn how to walk and get it's leg muscles in order. Granted, in chicks this take a couple of hours instead of months like in people.

You may have a splayed leg baby, or not. Give it a chance to figure out what it's doing. If it's not splayed, you may do more harm than good.

I know it's hard. I know you're a nervous wreck. We all are when we first start this. But SOMETIMES less is more. Less handling, less hovering, less meddling.

I have an incubator full of chicks. They are finishing hatching. I have one I know will need a bath. He's got egg shell stuck to him. I still have 4 more to pop out. All I have done to this point is remove all the broken egg shells. The humidity is fine, the temp is fine and they are peeping like crazy.

Amazingly enough, they know what to do more than we do. They are born knowing what to do. So relax, stay calm and let them finish hatching and drying out.

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