Need help sexing Aracuana chicks


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 4, 2012
These two are 4 weeks old now. Hubby picked them up at Rural King. They are supposed to be Aracuanas but I've never had any before so I don't know much about them. I would love it if someone could tell me if they appear to be Aracuanas and also what sex! You can't really tell in the picture but both have very green colored legs.


They sure do look like Aracuana chicks! I would need pics of the faces to really be able to tell you what sex they are.
Hard to tell at this point in age but they look like Aracaunas so you should have some pretty eggs :) When they get a little older you can tell by looking at the saddle feather. If they are pointy they are most likely roos if they are more fluffy and rounded then it's a hen :) Hope this helps!
I will try to get pics of their faces tomorrow, if you dont mind checking back
Hey, Thanks! It might be to early to tell but right now they both look like hens! The one on top might be a rooster, but as of right now they both are looking pretty girly!
Thanks! Since these are my first ones, can I ask what traits make you lean towards pullets? I literally know NOTHING!

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