Need Help with age and gender of barred rock chicks please!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 17, 2014
Eastern North Carolina
My wife picked out two barred rock chicks 4 days ago. The man we bought them from wasn't too sure on their age so I would like to know age you think they are. Also we did research and hope we made the right choice by picking two pullets. We went with the two darker chicks out of the rest.

The above photo is the first day we bought them and the bigger of the two chicks. Thinking this one maybe 2 weeks older than the smaller one?

This picture above is of the two chicks together 4 days ago

The above picture was taken Thursday afternoon. My hens walked into the chicken coop and the chicks got scared, ran out and jumped on my wife's leg. We allow them to room the coop freely while we are outside supervising. Right now we put them inside in a dog crate with hay and no heating lamp at night and they spend the day outside in a fenced off section of the coop.

Thanks in advance for your opinions and thoughts!
What breed?????
could it be a Wyandotte? I have never seen a chick of that breed so Im not certain, sorry couldn't be more help

Some are saying Seabright and some are saying Wyanodette. Thing is because of the age, the prints haven't cleared up enough to tell. It's about 5 weeks old already and quite small. Smaller than my showgirls at the same age.

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