Need help with bedding


5 Years
Jul 13, 2014
Hello guys.
I use pine shavings as bedding in my button quail cage, and everytime I fill their water, the bedding Is soaked the next day. I have a quart waterer. Iam not sure why the water is draining. There are pine shavings fallen in, but none seem to be making contact with the ground. Any help would be really appreciated. The moisture is causing terrible odor too
what type of cage are you using? how many birds?
I have wire bars and use just a regular bird feed/water fountain. It could be the birds are walking through the water and making a mess. Can you try putting sand or paper towel or even paper under the water. anything that will absorb the spill. good luck
you can get one of the rabbit/hamster water bottle that hang on the side of the tank. they will learn quickly where the water is. You can help by taking one and dipping his beak in the end where the water comes out, the roller ball thing, he will show the others.
Hello guys.
I use pine shavings as bedding in my button quail cage, and everytime I fill their water, the bedding Is soaked the next day. I have a quart waterer. Iam not sure why the water is draining. There are pine shavings fallen in, but none seem to be making contact with the ground. Any help would be really appreciated. The moisture is causing terrible odor too
This is the drinker I use for my button quail. (medium port, the video shows the small port that I use for babies) It sits in a metal bracket so it's off the bedding. As long as the lid is properly screwed on, the bedding around the drinker stays perfectly dry. No drips like a water bottle or poopy water filled with pine shavings.

You can set the bottle on a piece of wood to get it a bit off the bedding instead of using a mounting bracket, too. I have some buttons in a fish tank and that's what I do.
I'd like to know what that waterer device is too.

Rashid, we have an aquarium with three buttons and we use walnut shell litter. I also have a strainer that I scoop through the litter and it filters all the waste like a cat litter scoop. It works really well and it makes it look like they're running around in their native little desert habitat. We have some safe succulent type plants in their too which kind of resemble running around in cactus.
Thanks a lot
where can I buy a waterer like that ?

I'd like to know what that waterer device is too.

Rashid, we have an aquarium with three buttons and we use walnut shell litter. I also have a strainer that I scoop through the litter and it filters all the waste like a cat litter scoop. It works really well and it makes it look like they're running around in their native little desert habitat. We have some safe succulent type plants in their too which kind of resemble running around in cactus.

QCU Poultry webpage. They come with or without a bracket, small cup or medium. I use the medium for my adult button quail. (both bottles are 38 ounces, only the cup is different)

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