Need Help with Breed and Gender please

Chicken Sniffer

In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 14, 2009
Snohomish County
Hi All,
This chick was sent with my meat birds and my Daughter has fallen in love with it.
Any guess as to the breed and gender? He/She is 2 weeks old.

I picked up 2 New Hampshire Red Hens today for company, but it cried forever to go back with the meat birds. It is happier with them and seems to be holding his own against the now 4 times his size Cornish X. The NHR's are 4 weeks old and way bigger as well, although they seemed to tolerate the chick.

It has black feathered feet and the tip of it's beek is almost see through(clear)
Also, when can I put him in the chicken coop with the NHR's?

Any help would be appreciated.





Oh!!!! He looks like a penguin!!! How Cute is That?!
Hard to tell what he is exactly, but could be a bantam and that is why he is still so small. I think you should call him "mumble" - after the cute penguin in Happy Feet.
Thanks for your help. My Daughter named it Queen LaTifa?
Anyone want to take a guess on gender? This little bugger is fast and doesn't like being picked up. He really pecks hard and wriggles like a worm:eek:
Like I said he don't take no poop from the meat birds;)

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