Need help with my dog

If he got conditioned to peeing and pooping in his crate as a puppy you are going to have a devil of a time training him to do otherwise. Housebreaking exploits the fact that dogs do not like to relieve themselves in their den. Obviously, that doesn't bother him. One thing you might try is to keep him leashed to you during the day. Every time he shows signs he might have to go, take him outside. If he goes, praise him lavishly. You might put some of his droppings in the area where you want him to go.

There are things called male wraps. They are for incontinent male dogs. They go around the middle of the dog, are fastened with velcro, and they come in both disposable and washable forms. The disposable ones are made of the same material as baby diapers and the washable ones have a place to insert a sanitary napkin to absorb the urine. You can find them on amazon and in places like Petsmart. Good luck.
Really praise him every time he goes to potty outside and give him some kind of treat. Mine likes a bit of carrot or banana.

Have you tested his wee at all?
When we brought our golden home she was given a treat everytime she went potty. And maybe bell training would help to. My golden only goes to the bathroom in one spot and she wont go anywhere else.
Sounds pretty normal for a pup that age.

It's hard I know.

One thing that helped here was to train them to paw a spring loaded doorstop to ask for out. That sound travels very well so no matter where I am in the house I can hear it.
I trained ours by tapping it with my foot and doing a super excited "Go outside?". Once outside we played a few minutes then went back in, a half hour later repeat, and repeat, and repeat. They catch on pretty fast.
We trained our weimaraner to ring a bell by the patio door every time he has to go out. I would grab his paw, help him ring it, then say "touch". Then let him out. He picked it up really quickly. That sound travels all over the house and even wakes me up so he can be let out when he needs to. We convinced my sister to do that with her great dane puppy and he picked it up quickly too. Two years later both dogs still do it. It's a great way for them to communicate with us
There is a lot to be said about positive reinforcement. Reward good behavior/ignore bad behavior. A Dog looks at the pack leader for acceptance, you can see it when they do anything. While you're cleaning up their mess (or interacting with them in any situation) they are watching you. If you say anything during this point of interaction, it could be seen as acceptance of their behavior. It is, a "reaction".
Believe it or not, it's not any different with Humans.

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