Need help with my sick chick please!

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I think it might be mareks from reading of some symptoms any thoughts on my chick? Need to know what I need to do soon, so far I have set it by itself in a different brooder hasn't gotten up but will eat and drink manually
I'm not sure I can call and ask, I got them from tractor supply company and have them on medicated chick starter. Anything I can do for it?

Hopefully since you purchased them at Tractor Supply they were vaccinated. I'd call and ask. Then at least you'll know and can rule that out. There's not a whole lot you can do for them if it is indeed Mareks.

I know you can submit them to your local extension office for a necropsy if they do pass away. Also, they'll usually take live birds and humanely euthanize them too to save us softies the pain of doing it ourselves. It usually costs about $10.00.

I just lost one of my fuzzy babies and I'm totally bummed about it. We all get so attached, right? :) I'm glad you're giving it a chance though; he's lucky to have you as his 'mom!' :)
Folks, newborn chicks will not be exhibiting symptoms of Mareks disease. These chicks may have splay leg or a slipped tendon. They need help right away with a bandaid hobble, or a chick chair to help them stand. Here are a couple of links to read, and many of these things need to be done in the first day or two to help the chicks walk:
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Not too sure , they are about the size you get from feed stores and such if I had to say anywhere from a week to two weeks probably two weeks you can some some feathers on them on the wing still fuzzy though and probably two or 3 can fit in your hand
GibsonChicks4U--If you have to put down a chick, the best I know of is to use a pair of tree branch loppers (kind of like shears) and cut through the neck.
I'm sorry your chick is struggling.
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