Need help with new adoptions


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 29, 2008
So my boss's father just made a huge chick purchase and decided to build a coop in her (my bosses) backyard. She is not real happy about it, but seeing her father owns the property, i guess he can do what he wants. There are about 80 chicks, 3 different breeds that i could see and they range from 2-3 months old at this time.

I would like to rescue a few of these chickens from thier doom, as dad plans to eat them and apparently the white ones are a Chinese medicinal.

Can you guys tell me if the white ones are silkies? They call them black boned chickens, but they look like silkies to me.

Is there a way that I can tell the difference between sexes at this age? I am not zoned for chickens, so Roo's are out of the question here.

i would like to go *kidnap* a few while they are still young, but don't want to wind up with cocka doodles.

There is also another breed...the foofy hairdoo guys...this one in the pic just came right up to me and was so funny! Any clue? Some sort of Bantam??

JFTR...I have a small flock, 2 black sexlinks, 2 RIR's and one tiny runt of the litter Barred Rock. They are my sweet sweet girls!!!

Thanks so much...


Yes they are silkies, I ate them in Singapore and China. They are hard to sex, and many people keep them as housepets.

That being said, you do know you just admitted to being an aspiring chicken thief?
Would it be worth losing your job to "rescue" them? and possable arrest?
LOL...I'm more worried about the exchange policy than losing my job! Our girls are housepets...and the eggs are yummy too.

Yes, I was offered chicken butts on a stick in Taiwan recently and decided not to go there.

So if I did wind up with a boy silkie...are they as loud as other roos?
kycklingar! :

Golly, those are silkies and polish! He'd be daft to eat expensive breeds like that!

They are Chinese with new money.​
Boy silkies are relatively quiet, but notoriously aggressive. You definitely wouldn't want to end up with more than one.
You might want to either start a new post or change the title of this one to get some tips on sexing them... There are lots of knowledgeable people on this forum!
Have you asked if you can have or buy some of these chickens instead of planning to steal them?
He might be glad to get rid of some.

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