Our peahen has been sitting on 6 eggs. We went to check on her yesterday and saw 2 chicks. Both seemed to be doing well. Today I saw a third chick. Mom was off the nest teaching the chicks to eat. The first 2 were doing well but the third was wobbling, wings down. It laid down on the side of the pen and finally mom went and covered it. She eventually went back to the nest with all three. I kept checking on them and didn't see any of them out from under mom. About an hour ago I went to check on them and mom and chicks were back out running around the pen eating. The third chick was in the nest, breathing hard. On a closer look we could see that the left eye was closed and covered in crusty dirt. It appeared to be weak and cold. We managed to get the chick out of the pen and I now have it in my hatcher with guinea hatchlings and eggs.
What should I do? It has seemed to have fluffed up since being in the hatcher but it seems weak. It is mostly laying down but has gotten up a couple of times for a few seconds then back down.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I want to do what ever I can to give it a fighting chance.
What should I do? It has seemed to have fluffed up since being in the hatcher but it seems weak. It is mostly laying down but has gotten up a couple of times for a few seconds then back down.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I want to do what ever I can to give it a fighting chance.