need help with pheasant !

I seem to be having the same issue with one of my Silver pheasants hens.. Noticed today she was having trouble holding herself up and walking right. Seem stumbles around a bit. She can stand and when she does walk without falling, she has quite a limp. I have isolated her and checked her for any signs of obvious injury. I don't see any. She has been eating quite well. I have retrieved 20 eggs from the coop she resides in with her mate and another female. I've done some reading and not sure if I should be trying a dose of SJW or just try making sure she's getting plenty of high protein food... Maybe the other two roommates were denying her enough food? The others don't have any outward signs of any problems yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

They are in the same vicinity but not housed together. The runs are separated, but are near each other... They have been housed like they are for over a year.
Pheasants casn get diseases from chickens.The chickens can handle it,but they can pass it on to pheasants.They need to be far apart from each other.Have you wormed your pheasants?
In N.H.,Tony.
If they are laying egg it may kill the embryo growth.They should be wormed well before laying season,around Jan,and again after laying season around August.After the 1st worming you need to reworm again 10 days after to kill the cycle.
Yes Valbazen is a wormer,but I have never used it.I use ivemec.Wazine is a wormer also but it is a very weak dose.Unless you have wazine 34,this is much stronger then the 17.
In N.H.,Tony.
So worms will make these symptoms occur? Is this where I should start with her? Her poop seems normal. I don't have a problem worming although she's laying - I'd rather keep the bird healthy, she'll lay again.. I just wasn't sure if I should try the Hypericum treatment as it seemed like others have had this issue.. Was kinda hoping the thread starter would reply soon their experience with their bird after treatment as well..
I'm not saying this is your problem,but they should be wormed 2 times a year,your chickens also.She may have caught something from your chickens.What are you feeding your pheasants?
I am sorry I stepped on this thread I was replying to your post.
In N.H.,Tony.
No, I much appreciate your help. I was just saying hoping they had an update. I am looking for help from anyone with more knowledge than myself. I definitely appreciate the help. So what would you suggest other than moving the runs further apart? Should I wait until they stop laying then worm them? Try the SJW treatment? I don't want her to die. She's not looking like she's on her death bed by any means but I am trying to catch her problem early... She is still standing just not walking very well..
I am just concerned about their health and am looking for advice. I was feeding them Nutrena Naturewise All flock pellets 18%. I got them some 30% gamebird feed today. I planned on mixing the all flock and the gamebird feed after they get done laying and feeding them the straight gamebird feed now.. thought on this?

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