Need Help with possible new friend and me being shy

I agree about the coffee date. I have anxiety issues and totally understand your concern. You dont want to not make friends because of your concern, and if you do come on to weak or to strong and she doesnt end up being your friend its her loss. you will never know if you dont try, just follow her lead and have a great time. Don't over think it, she might be just as nervous as you.
I agree too. I have serious social interaction problems. I am so shy when people I don't know are around they tend to think I am snooty for ignoring them.
I want to talk but too afraid I'll say something that was not intended.

Guess it doesn't help that I rarely think before I speak. That gets me into enough trouble!
I completely understand your anxiety. I have a speech problem, wherein I speak very quickly and softly. The problem is that in my head I sound just like everyone else. If I speak so that other people think I sound like them, to me it's like I'm yelling and speaking sarcastically slow. I've not had the best of friendship experiences since my move here to Texas and had a friend who used to tease me about my speech. I have since decided I like my chickens much more than most people. Besides DH and my sister, this forum is my only social outlet outside of work.

Coffee sounds good. If it doesn't work out, it'll be her loss.

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