Need help with turkey breeds please

Take another look at the picture of poults. Both poults (2) are rusty blacks with three barred chicks. They should be Mottled Rusty Blacks just like the dad, since both parents have a Narragansett gene. If the dad had two red genes he would be a Mottled Buff.
Take another look at the picture of poults. Both poults (2) are rusty blacks with three barred chicks. They should be Mottled Rusty Blacks just like the dad, since both parents have a Narragansett gene. If the dad had two red genes he would be a Mottled Buff.

This is about the colors of the birds, correct? How do I figure out what breed the parents are? I have had people ask me before, and I am am clueless as what to what they are. I thought about selling any that I did not keep, but what would I call them? By a breed or just by the colors that they are. Both parents have absolutely wonderful dispositions, and I hope they remain that way.

So the first clutch would have looked more like Pearl, and this last clutch should look more like Reggie? And if I am understanding correctly, is unusual. With in a full clutch, the chicks should be a mixture of both examples?

I wish I could find a picture of Reggie before he had the visit with my dog. His feathers were just starting to grow out from the being in the too small of a cage at the pet store. She really did a number on him, I came home to feathers all over her area, just knowing she had killed him. I have 5 ac., and why every turkey I have, has this desire to visit the dog is the little spot she has, is beyond me.

Thank you again for all the replies.
The breed is a turkey. The variety or color of your hen is a Naragansett. Your Tom and poults are Mottled Rusty Blacks.
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lol good one.

I raised dogs... I can't help it...I call everything a breed.
Species is Turkey

Dictionary definition of breed:

Noun: A stock of animals or plants within a species having a distinctive appearance and typically having been developed by deliberate selection.

Sounds like a breed to me.
So there should be no such thing as "Heritage breeds"? I personally don't see the difference between variety and breed. dogs are all one species bred with differing characteristics into varieties we call breeds. A Midget White and a Heritage Bronze are vastly different and have been bred selectively for thier characteristics and breed true, thus meeting the criteria for a breed. The APA judges all turkeys in one class but why would that preclude the recognition of separate breeds? Dog shows have a Best of show that selects the best dog but doesn't mean there aren't separate breeds. Turkeys have many other characteristics than just color that they have been selectively bred for and most people identify them as breeds that are easily distinguishable from each other. Perhaps it's time for the APA to look at it's definitions and update them. Just food for thought.
Egads!. I noticed the yellow face on the far right bird and mistook them for black poults. Upon closer inspection, the two on the left don't even have light faces. oops!

Thanks for the correction.

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