Need help worming with Safe-Guard


8 Years
May 22, 2013
The Volunteer State
My Coop
My Coop
Good morning! :) I recently asked for help with a couple of hens who were sick and after buying fenbendazole (I wasn't sure if it was worms, just ruling it out since a lot of the symptoms were similar) I treated on the 12th and yesterday I found what I believe are roundworms in my sickest girl's feces.

I read online somewhere to treat one day, then wait 10 days, then treat one more day. So I treated last Friday (the 12th) and I saw the worms yesterday.
Does this mean the medicine is working or does it mean it's getting worse and I need to treat my sickest girl again who is the only one showing symptoms?

What dosage did you give? Did you shake the bottle well before drawing up the fenbendazole? Not necessary if using the horse paste. You may have seen dead worms being excreted from the body. For roundworms the fenbendazole dosage is 0.23 ml (close to 1/4 ml) per pound of weight given once a and again in 10 days to kill the newly hatched eggs. That would be 1.50 ml for. 5 pound hen. For other more hard to get worms, such as capillary or gapeworms, the dosage is the same, given for 5 consecutive days.
It's not uncommon for dead or dying worms to be excreted after treatment. Sometimes that happens, and sometimes the worms are just digested and you won't see them. I would do the second dose for all of them. Roundworms are very common, easily picked up from the soil, and it's easier to do them all than to try to keep up with one here ,one there, etc. Depending on the worm load in your environment, you may have to worm regularly. Some can do once or twice a year, some enviroments require even more frequent treatment.
@coach723 Thanks for the info! After this I'm definitely going to be worming regularly.

Also, I'm not sure if this poses a problem but I've been looking at pictures and I can't really tell roundworms apart from cecal worms. If I'm not sure is treatment still the same? Once then again in 10 days?

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