Need help.

No swelling . No bleeding until a few hours later and that came out of one of her nares. She was totally fine, ranging with the flock and then all of them panicked about something. I went to the spot they were forageing and found nothing. A few minutes later I told them to go back to their pen which they did. Rou was last in line which is normal since she is the one who survived the coyote attack in 2108. I went in the house to get mealworms and everyone greeted me but her. She was in the coop laying totally down on her belly where the ducks normally lay their eggs in the morning. I threw instead of hand feeding to the flock and tried to hand feed some to her. She ate a few and walked away. That is when I took her in the house.
If it was a small copperhead, that would explain the sudden onset and the blood but not the lack of swelling. Copperhead venom is a hemotoxin. It kills by taking away the blood ability to clot (i know that's probably oversimplification). Also young snakes have not learned to ration their venom yet. This is very mysterious death.
If it was a small copperhead, that would explain the sudden onset and the blood but not the lack of swelling. Copperhead venom is a hemotoxin. It kills by taking away the blood ability to clot (i know that's probably oversimplification). Also young snakes have not learned to ration their venom yet. This is very mysterious death.
I would bet there are pygmy rattlers there too. Those are so small and vicious! We cut the head off of one in Florida when we lived there and that dang head moved at least a yard away from the body snapping all the way. I swear, I hate snakes so much I'm always on the lookout.
We have Pigmys too but copperheads are more common. I was only about 20 feet away from them when they got scared. I looked the area over but not with great detail.
Another fun fact. Rattlesnakes are neurotoxin which effects the brain and nervous sytem. There would be different symptoms. How do I know this? Snakes everywhere and three trips to the emergency vet. Even dogs have a hard time with rattle snakes.

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