need help


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
I have chicks hatching but I am loosing them why?
I had 7 hatch in the bator and i got 3 left and one is very week I had to help them out of the shell. The shell is very hard for them to break i lost to in the shell so far. What can i do I got more to hatch yet
They may be getting exhauseted trying to break out. What is the humidtiy, I would increase it as much as you can. Sometimes the insturments are not accurate. You can add a warm damp sponge to help increase humidity. Is there enough air circulation in the incubator. You need to make sure nothing is blocking the air holes on the bottom and the plug should be out I believe on the Hova and LG. Are they to hot? If they hatched early at all it may be to hot for them. Lots of things can cause your problem including bacteria.
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Did you get your humidity up the last three days 65-70%? Are they pipping? If it is over 24 hours since the pip, put the egg to your ear. Are you hearing any sounds. This is when your judgment will be tested. I personally will help if I think life is slipping away. If the chick still sounds strong, I will give more time. My hopes and prayers are coming your way!!!
Yep, I agree, if they are not able to hatch on their own, the humidity is probably low. You want to boost your humidity up the last few days of your hatch to help with this problem.

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