Need Help


7 Years
Nov 5, 2012
I have a bantam that has hatched 3 eggs not hers they are 4 weeks old today . She takes very good care of them except i have been noticing that one of them has what looks like pecking places on both sides of its neck. And noew this morning I saw the banyam pecking at one of the other chicks next. Can someone tell me what is going on here and what I can do to stop this? Thanking you in advance. This is my first dealing with baby chicks.
ok, when a chicken sees blood, its first thought is "eat" pretty much. so, is I have learnt, chicken sees other chickens blood starts pecking at it other chickens see this and join in, before you know it the chicken is dead. but that is with adult chickens. for chicks the best thing to do is to re move the chicks that are injured and gently clean the wound, and keep them away from the others for a day or two to allow it to heal. you can keep them in a cage outside near the mother so that the mother doesn't start freaking out trying to find her chicks.

good luck!
Thanks for the reply.
There doesn't appaear that there was any blood it is just feathers missing. They are 4 weeks old today and almost as big as the bantam.
then just keep an eye on them, they should be fine. my chicks have bald spots but that is just how there feathers grow in, keep that in mind also.
They will gently peek each other for grooming. I think it's called preening and is normal. At that age, could it be just the baby chick fuzz that's coming out prior to neck feathers coming in?
did it look like this? (the spot above my fingernail) if it is, that is completely normal, and you have nothing to worry about!
I can't see it too well with all the dark feathers but it does look similar to what I think I am seeing . Thank you for the reply.

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