Need hen-naming help.


11 Years
Aug 23, 2010
New Britain, CT
We have 10 chickens, and 3 of them still are unnamed. 2 are Mille Fleur D'Uccles, and the other is a Barred Cochin.
Now, I got into the habit of naming some of them based on their breeds: Comet is our Red Comet, Wendy the Wyandotte, Meri the Ameracauna, etc. So I could go easy and try "Millie" and either "Flower" or "Flora" for the banties, but I can't think of anything for the Cochin.
We also had a TV character coincidence going: we had a Phoebe, and still have Patty (the Partridge, Cochin), which were two names on "Charmed".
Anyone out there got any naming suggestions? Or, if you have chickens of these breeds, what are your girls' names?
Barry - after Barry Manilow! ;-)

You could say your girls are the real stars!
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Providing it is a hen, the cochin could be called Carrie, Cassie, Callie, Betty, Barb, Barbara, Berta, or Brenda Cacklin.

Sorry, these are coming from someone that calls a cigarette stealing cockerel Phillip Morris
The names I will use when I get my chickens:

Wyandotte - "Wyatt"
Plymouth Rock - "Rocky"
Brahma - "Bullwinkle"
Australorp - "Fat Albert"

Easter Eggers - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and another to be determined when I see the bird
Silkie - "Wookie"

Yeah, they're mostly dude names. My Grandfather's name was Shirley. What do you expect from me?

Oh, yeah, and my partner wants me to get a Three Mile Island Red. He drew a picture of what it looks like. Three legs and two heads. If I find one, I'll name it Rutherford.

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