Need Ideas - Affordable Small Flock Eggmobile


7 Years
Apr 17, 2016
I want to run 20-40 layers on grass, in a miniaturized version of the Salatin eggmobile. I looked at Justin Rhodes' ChickShaw and love the design, but for such a simple construction (6'x6'x2' box, wire mesh floor, corrugated walls, egg crate nest boxes, on 2 wheels) I was surprised to see his parts list add up to almost $800! I'm also not totally sure a completely open bottom is the best idea here in Connecticut.

Anyone running a mini-eggmobile in a colder climate want to share your design?
6'x6'x2' seems way too small for 20-40 chickens.

Are you familiar with the eggmobile concept? Those dimensions are for a mobile container whose only purposes are roosting and laying - the chickens spend their time outside in a larger area, which rotates from time to time. Joel Salatin's eggmobile runs on the same concept, and he's got 400 layers in a 240 square foot trailer. Justin Rhodes has been using his Chickshaw and its predecessor for several years and his birds look pretty darn good, too. I'm not looking for proof of concept here, just wanted to see if anyone had a modified design for my climate.
Are you familiar with the eggmobile concept? Those dimensions are for a mobile container whose only purposes are roosting and laying - the chickens spend their time outside in a larger area, which rotates from time to time. Joel Salatin's eggmobile runs on the same concept, and he's got 400 layers in a 240 square foot trailer. Justin Rhodes has been using his Chickshaw and its predecessor for several years and his birds look pretty darn good, too. I'm not looking for proof of concept here, just wanted to see if anyone had a modified design for my climate.
can you post pics? you are supposed to have 4sf of coop space for each bird.
Are you familiar with the eggmobile concept? Those dimensions are for a mobile container whose only purposes are roosting and laying - the chickens spend their time outside in a larger area, which rotates from time to time. Joel Salatin's eggmobile runs on the same concept, and he's got 400 layers in a 240 square foot trailer. Justin Rhodes has been using his Chickshaw and its predecessor for several years and his birds look pretty darn good, too. I'm not looking for proof of concept here, just wanted to see if anyone had a modified design for my climate.

Sorry, I thought you meant a chicken tractor.

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