Need Ideas for Coop Ramp/Ladder/Access??


Sep 25, 2017
New Mexico
I am in the process of building a second coop and have a bit of a dilemma. I can't figure out how to build them a ramp or ladder or whatever so they can access the new coop. Right now, we have three babies that will be calling this home. We also have our small flock of three hens and one rooster that may want to call the new coop home too? The babies will be 10 weeks on Tuesday and just spent their second night outside. Anyway - I have been working on their coop since I placed the order. Here's the link to my coop build for details and pics if you're interested. I have not been able to get any ideas on that thread, so I thought I would try a new one.

The coop has evolved to have a removable wall and the ability to have two separate coops or one big one with two doors. The door inside is about 3 feet from the north wall (nest boxes are framed in there, 18" above the floor). The outside door will be about 4 feet from the run wall (thanks to the leach field). The floor is just over 3 foot above the ground.

Does anyone have ramps or ladders that twist and turn or otherwise compensate for the lack of length for access? I am not anywhere close to done, but -slowly but surely getting there. But this ramp issue has me thinking I may have to move the nest boxes to the South wall -under my storage area - but I really don't want to. I will be putting the PVC water system over there - but so far, moving the nest boxes over there seems to be the only option I am coming up with. With only about 36 by 51 inches area to build the ramp - I don't know how the girls would have room to get in and out to leave their eggs, AND for us to clean - this is the only area inside the structure where humans can stand.

Your opinions, guidance and pictures would be much appreciated before I tear the other end apart and frame the nest boxes - again.
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Build an L shape ramp with landing at turn.......
kinda like this staircase, but with ramps instead of stairs.
View attachment 1257434
Thanks @aart I thought about that, but the first part of the ramp would have to block the entrance to the nest boxes.

I put a ramp up today - hoping that they can jump up about 20 inches to the ramp. I still feel like it is too steep. The ramp for the front coop is going to be even more challenging.
Sorry, I'm not understanding your diagrams and photos. Where are the nesting boxes?
Well, the nesting boxes are not built yet but they will be on the south wall - where the bottom of the ramp is. I have 2x6's where the top and bottom of the nesting boxes will be.
I have a quite high shelf I need them to get to, over 50 inches. My ramp is sitting on an 18 inch high platform, helps the angle lots and they all hop up there fine.

It is hard to visualize the nest box issue you are seeing. How about a drawing?

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