Need ideas for 'fencing' (wood or natural) to stop a dog BUT allow wildlife through


In the Brooder
6 Years
This was a part of my earlier thread. I have 700ft of property line. My next door neighbor and the neighbor next to them have dogs (5 total) that are a concern (they have already been on my property). I need ideas/suggestions on what can be used that will allow the wildlife to go through, but deter dogs.

I could put 3 or 4 rail horse fence along it entirely (to the mere tune of 12k and that's the cheap stuff!), but I am concerned that the fawns could be chased and trapped on the other side. I have opted to fence in my front field in prep for horses. This should cover about 300ft of the property line. It will be built to allow small animals to pass under (rabbits/woodchucks/etc) the bottom rail.

I also have a section about 100ft of wire/post fencing in place for my Girls.The remaining 300ft (has alot of brush (mostly multi flora rose) and is about 15-20 ft in depth. This aids as both a visual and physical barrier for the most part. But during the winter months and till everything grows in fully, there are plenty of gaps that a dog can walk through (and it has already happened).

I would like to replace the 'brush' with something else. I've read about thorny-type shrubs being used around small properties to deter burglars. One nursery suggested using Barberry. Ideally I would like something low cost, fast growing, and LOTS of stickers! The deer are not phased by the multi flora rose and actually eat the tiny leaves!

Any ideas/suggestions are appreciated.
I'm not sure that you can achieve your goals here; horse fencing can be wood rails, electric tape or cable, or no climb woven wire topped by electric. My horse fencing is about 6" off the ground s little critters can get under it. Deer have to jump it or go through the metal tube gates. My chicken can get under it, or go through the gates. Safety for chickens means a pen with a dig-proof foundation and a roof, and hardware cloth. Hot wire helps a lot also. Letting wildlife through means no security for the chickens! Dogs will be discouraged by electrified poultry fencing, or several strands of hot wire. I don't think kindly about neighbor dogs on my property, and have spent a lot to keep my own dogs at home! Mary
I may have caused confusion before.

My goal is to prevent the dogs from coming onto my property and allow wild animals to pass through.
My chickens have their own secure area so not an issue. I was trying to use their fenced area as a point of reference (I think that backfired on me).

Bottom line is I am looking to replace the wild brush sections that act as a barrier with something else. The brush line dies down in the winter creating a lot of open spaces and the wild look just isn't cutting it any more. So I am really looking for suggestions on types of shrubs that can be used as hedges, preferably the thorny, woody types.
Osage orange would be used here but it is approximately native. Dense patches of some bramble type could be used to slow some animals but if dogs are anything like mine then they will penetrate such simply to get to other side, especially when rabbits are involved. Route I would take involves hotwire that is affixed to wooden fence or even very close to bramble line. The plants would make it so dogs could not pick their way through without getting zapped. Limitation would be time required to get brambles to grow into solid wall as would take more than a single growing season. Benefit would be edible fruit.
Thanks, but from what I read there is an excessive amount of pruning involved to turn this into a hedge. I am familiar with them as trees and believe the fruit though edible is awful. I've contacted a few nurseries that have offered suggestions, but at $30 a shrub for several hundred feet is cost prohibitive for me this summer (have 3 other major projects going on). A lot of what I have right now is growing in nicely and the neighbors have been keeping the dogs out of site for the most part. So I have some ideas to start with. thanks.

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