need ideas on introducing pullets to 3 year old hen


8 Years
Oct 13, 2011
We just experienced the sudden death of one of our two 3 year old hens over the weekend. She was a silver-laced Wyandotte, great layer, kind of aloof. Her death was sudden with no apparent cause... The survivor is a Rhode Island Red - she seems confused about the loss of her companion.

We'd like to get a couple of pullets and wonder how to go about putting them together with the older hen. Any ideas and success stories are welcome!
Put it in at night. I added 6 teens to a flock of 3 at night.When I have hens in the house I always add them back at night..There will be some fighting as the pecking order is worked out.Only need to pull someone if there is blood drawn.Pull the attacker for a few days and then reintro.

Sorry for your loss!
Thanks - that is what we have heard, but I like to get confirmation here

Our Rhodie is pretty bossy, so we think she will be dominant, but who knows?
If you can I would put the new pullets in the coop with a little fence of some kind (you can even staple plastic fencing to the walls and floor temporarily with a slit in it to add food and water) and leave them in there for a week. The hen and pullets will see each other and become adjusted, and the newbies will know where home and roosts are. Then when you have part of the day to watch them, take the fence down.

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