Need ideas,UPDATED WITH VIDEO!!!! Honey gave me the WHOLE barn 4 chicken pen!!!!!!!!!


11 Years
Jul 1, 2008
east texas
OK so after waiting 2 years for barn renovation to become honey's man cave he has decided to let me have barn for my chickens!!!! Said it would cost too much to build my dream pen from scratch. So after losing around 30 chickens throughout the year last year to every predator under the sun I now am getting new incubator, have 5 barred rock roos running loose, and am chomping at the bit to start over but gotta get pens nd run built first!!. Large barn fixing to go take pics to post on here but I need a grower area for teenage chickens, regular coop/laying area, a brooding area, and a project area all within the barn. Plan to build a enclosed (due to predators) run outside of barn to start out with but will need 2 seperate outer runs eventually. Would like to have 3 specialty breeds and a main "egg laying/yard egg" flock for us to sell eggs for consumption. (We did extremely well selling our eggs). So please help me with ideas on how or what to build inside barn, how to split it up into areas etc!!! So excited can hardly contain myself. Will be back with pics in just a few minutes !!!
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Waiting for pics. Hurry up! Some of us are looking forward to sharing in your excitement.
What is the barn's layout inside? Was it a horse barn with stall or a cattle barn with milking stations, or...? Does it have a loft? Windows to the oustide?

Barns can make great coops if you have stalls or other divided areas. I raised my girls in a 12x12' horse stall and it was perfect! Plenty of room to run around in, all windows were covered with wire, easy to clean, and rafters above to hang feeders, lights, etc.

This is the outside view of barn looking at space is only from the left of the door opening all the way to the right the left of the door poening are stalls in the pasture

this is view standing in the doorway looking to the right wall


this is the left wall standing in doorway looking left


back of barn with door size opening


This pic is sideways....there is an elevated platform area that measures 9 3/4 feet long x 7 1/2 feet wide.....bunch of junk on it right now it is built up off dirt floor about 2 foot high

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