Need input on wound care!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 11, 2013
Alabama (Gulf Coast)
I had a chicken get caught between a fence and a brick wall and apparently in her struggle to free herself rubbed off the skin and muscle down to the tendons on one leg. My question is should I attempt to suture it closed or let it heal by secondary intention? I have it bandaged currently with neosporin covered 4x4 and gauze. Are there any antibiotics I can get to administer orally? I'm a nurse and used to treating human wounds, but chicken wounds are new to me.

Thanks DAWG53 for the post. I'll pick up some PCN form the CO-OP tomorrow. She's an Ameraucana and doing well so far. Just checked on her and she's eating and drinking and trying to hobble around. Tough day on the farm. After finding her trapped behind a fence The dog caught and ran off with another one of my young Euskal Oiloa Marraduna pullets. I caught him and got her back but he almost tore off her tail. I sutured it back and now have a pullet intensive care center. I'll start her in the PCN also tomorrow!

Below is after suturing....used around 15 sutures!

I had a chicken get caught between a fence and a brick wall and apparently in her struggle to free herself rubbed off the skin and muscle down to the tendons on one leg. My question is should I attempt to suture it closed or let it heal by secondary intention? I have it bandaged currently with neosporin covered 4x4 and gauze. Are there any antibiotics I can get to administer orally? I'm a nurse and used to treating human wounds, but chicken wounds are new to me.

Update on my emergency. I cleaned and bandaged daily for 2 weeks and gave 5 days of IM Penicillin. I also confined her away from the flock for 2 weeks. Today, 1 month later, she is running around with the rest of the flock and doing great!Pictures posted below. Thanks for the advice!


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