Need loving home for chickens


Apr 14, 2018
I am moving from Westport, CT to Manhattan and I need to find a home/homes for my three silkies (two hens, one rooster) and four other hens and one very, very sweet rooster (who is actually afraid of the tiny silkie male, but takes great care of the girls and is a gentleman in all ways.) The other hens are: 2 Americaunas, 1 Black Copper Maran, 1 Easter Egger, 1 Blue Favaucana, and the rooster is a Salmon Favorelle. All birds are 10-12 months old and and I get four to seven eggs per day - blues, one chocolate brown and one or two smaller cream colored silkie eggs.

They have been raised on all organic feed supplemented with probiotics, brewer's yeast, kelp, garlic, and herbs with daily feedings of organic kale and other fresh vegetables. I have always added oregano oil and apple cider vinegar to their water. They free range during the day over two acres and sleep in a coop together at night. They are healthy and happy chickens, and I want them to go to a person that will care for them in a similar fashion in a similar environment so they continue to be so.

I would split them up as follows: the three silkies, the five hens with or without the rooster, and the rooster could go separately, only if necessary. Of course, if someone wants all of them, I'm sure they'd be happy to stay together.


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Too bad you aren't closer, I'm going to be exactly 5 hours away this weekend from you and I'd bring them home to a 24 acre farm, I give my birds non GMO feed, give them lots of love and run space and move them to fresh grass monthly.
I can take them ALL!! I have the perfect facilities!! I have a beautiful Americans Rooster. I have a FAVUCANA hen that will be 12 months old in June .I recently ordered a Cream Legbar, Easter Egger and Favorelle which all arrived DOA!! Please contact me and I will share photos and any info that you need. Thank you.
Donna Millermcnutt
[email protected]
I have it all lined up to drive to you. How soon are you moving? I promise they will be very well cared for. I love my babies. I currently have 4 roosters, 4 hens and 2 baby pullets. My babies free range all day and have a coop FIT FOR ROYALTY!! My boys are:
1) Americauna (that was SUPPOSE to be a hen) BUFORD.
1) Brahma, MAYNARD
1) New Hampshire Red, HAUS
1) Porcelain d' Uccle, ODD THOMAS
mY girls are:
1) Black Star, MEESHELL
1) Blue Favucana, JOAN CRAWFORD
1) Brahma, FIONA
1) Silver Laced Wyandotte, DOREEN WYAN
1) Wellsummer, TUESDAY WELLS (she is the newest pullet)
1) Austra White, HENNY PENNY (also the newest pullet)
And we are all excited to meet your chicky family!!!
<3 ;-)
mY original (3) were born in April 2017 and the then (5) were shipped to me from MY PET CHICKEN and born June 11, 2017. The 2 newest were also shipped to me from MY PET CHICKEN and were born on April 9, 2018.
I have it all lined up to drive to you. How soon are you moving? I promise they will be very well cared for. I love my babies. I currently have 4 roosters, 4 hens and 2 baby pullets. My babies free range all day and have a coop FIT FOR ROYALTY!! My boys are:
1) Americauna (that was SUPPOSE to be a hen) BUFORD.
1) Brahma, MAYNARD
1) New Hampshire Red, HAUS
1) Porcelain d' Uccle, ODD THOMAS
mY girls are:
1) Black Star, MEESHELL
1) Blue Favucana, JOAN CRAWFORD
1) Brahma, FIONA
1) Silver Laced Wyandotte, DOREEN WYAN
1) Wellsummer, TUESDAY WELLS (she is the newest pullet)
1) Austra White, HENNY PENNY (also the newest pullet)
And we are all excited to meet your chicky family!!!
<3 ;-)
mY original (3) were born in April 2017 and the then (5) were shipped to me from MY PET CHICKEN and born June 11, 2017. The 2 newest were also shipped to me from MY PET CHICKEN and were born on April 9, 2018.
I'm sorry I'm new to this blogging stuff and did not see your reply until now. Aren't you located in Georgia? Also, do you have any photos, or did you send some and I don't know how to access them? So sorry. I'll take another look.

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