need pics of your hog pen

We have the same style pen as yours but we didn't bury the panels...there is even a few inches gap under some parts but in 8 years there hasn't been a single escapee!
Good luck with your new piggies when you get them!
We have the same style pen as yours but we didn't bury the panels...there is even a few inches gap under some parts but in 8 years there hasn't been a single escapee!
Good luck with your new piggies when you get them!

I don't need to bury the hog panels? Also how many panels do I need for 2 hogs
If you have the time and resources to bury it a little then it's probably a nice safeguard "just in case" but I just wanted to share that we have done fine without.
Our pens are all round so I'm not sure how many square feet it is or anything but our biggest pen is probably 30+/- feet in diameter and we have 2 sows and 5 older piglets in it.
They may root right underneath that. Our pigs this season certainly did a TON of rooting. We had big stakes that we burried under the ground so even if they were to root they wouldn't be able to get past the stakes. Trust me. The bigger they get you don't want to have them getting out.
Also any wider gaps they might be able to get their snout in might pose a problem later. Pigs are like mice. If they can get their nose and head through something they can push on it and break right through. Pigs are really strong!
Good luck.
We just tooks our 3 off to the butcher this morning.
I am going to raise 2 hogs one for 4-h and the other for dinner
we need to have a smilie with a fork knife and bib that says dinner time
We have wooden pallets that are made of 4x8's and 2x6's and weigh 400-500 pounds each. They are about 4 feet tall and 16 feet long when stood on one edge. You stand up all four and screw them together. Then we cut one section open for a half door so we could get in, but the pigs can't get out very easily. We have a heavy duty lock to keep the door shut. In spaces in the centers of the pallets, we dropped 2"x16" concrete blocks in in their ends so as they root, the blocks keep dropping down and no one can escape underneath the edges. On the inside, we put chicken wire when they were little so they couldn't fit out from between the 2x6's. Now they can't fit out, but it still helps with the chewing on the wood. My husband built a trough with a chute so we don't have to enter the pen to feed them. You just drop the feed/bread/slop in the top and it ends up in the trough. The trough/chute would probably hold about 1000 pounds of feed if needed. It is huge. I can take picture tomorrow if you would like.
jlbpooh can you please post the pics of your hog huts. also does 8' wide by 16' long sound to small for two hogs. they will be walked evry day and all that. what can you guys tell me about python dust to control the bugs
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