need pics of your hog pen

We got pallets free! you then just brace the pallets ontop with a board, and use timbers for the sides. we ran a hot wire on the inside and put a 1/2 plywood top on it. it was hideous but worked!
I just used hog panels all the way around on my pig pen they were not down in the ground....only had one pig in there the last two years we did a pig. Next year I think we will at least have 2 pigs in there. Right now it is opened up for the cows to be in a bigger area we did not raise a pig this year.

You maybe should put it down in the ground 6 inches they like to dig. You can put a hoop in their nose that hurts when they dig but I think it is mean and all they really have to do. They dig for many reasons. They need water of somekind when really really hot out cause they can't sweat to get cool so I had a little dirt hole pool in the middle of the pen and filled it up with water daily sometimes 2 times a day. I would spray the pig down too they like it just a mist. They like toys too old shoes, balls, old pieces of hose, old tires just the tire.

Good luck!
We did the same as hunterjumper999. We got pallets for free and used strapping to keep them all together. This is my first experience with pigs as an adult. I had some as a child, getting them at fair pig scrambles. This was my 9 year old daughters first year and she got one. MMMMMM bacon, sausage, ham and more in 6-8 months!
not trying to be mean but thats funny but good luck training them to keep there feeder and water bowls in one spot.

LOL I had that problem for a while. I finally screwed the bowls and buckets to the wooden pallets that are my partial walls. to keep her from rooting under I used second hand chain link and disconnected the bottom so there are exposed wires sticking out. I am dealing with a wild russian and she has not dug out in 2 months. Working out pretty good!

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