Need pics of your Poop boards


9 Years
Jun 16, 2010
Carrboro, NC
OK This is the new coop we are building for my SQ silkies!!

And Want to put a poop board in there to help on smell
and keeping them clean So I need pics of your boards.

Pictures would be GREAT!


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My coop is 8 foot wide. We found a 10 ft damaged kitchen counter at Lowes for $25. My dh cut 2 foot off, nailed boards to side of coop under the roosts and set the counter. It works great. I sprinkle it w/de and scrap the poop off into the compost can once or twice a week. I like that the surface is fairly slick and scraps off easy.

Sorry do not know how to flip photo.
I don't have any pics but I can tell you what I used and how I did it. I used two 3' x 5' durorock tile backer sheets and angled them at about 45 degrees so that I could scrape the poop of of them to the lined floor. Once a week or so I shovel all the scraped poop into a bucket and then put it in my cover poop pile for use later on. ( like in flower beds and around plants ) works great

Buffs only
My roosting bars aren't really high up in my coop...maybe 2 feet up off of the floor. How far away from the bars does the poop board need to be? Can it be close to the bars or do they not feel like they are roosting then with a flat surface so close?
Not a very good shot, but here's the dropping board in my little bantam coop (two silkies and a d'uccle). Even though the roost is low, I still use a ramp since the silkies aren't good fliers. The dropping board has a 16 inch clearance below, so that space is till usable for a feeder or waterer.

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