Need quiet chicken breeds


7 Years
Nov 2, 2012
I am looking at quiet chicken breeds to add to my urban flock. I need some opinions on what breed is the quietest (assuming it isn't a rooster). By "quiet", I mean VERY QUIET EGG SONG too! Bonus for good egg production.
Or, if you know how to get my RIR's to shut up while laying eggs, please tell me!
Thanks in advance!
My buff orps sing an egg song you can hear down the street, but my light brahmas are much quieter. They also don't seem as skiddish. I have SLW that are quiet, but they aren't laying yet.
What about Australorps? Do they sing a loud egg song? I am considering getting them.
Thanks HippieHomesteader and Chicken Happy by the way. will look at wyandottes and brahmas
I have Barred Rocks, Welsummers, EEs and Australorps. Of these four breeds the EEs and the
Australorps are the quietest. I've never heard my EEs do the egg song at all and the Australorps have a much lower volume one than the BRs and Wellies.

If you've never had Australorps I would vote for you to try a few of those pullets. IMHO, most
hens are not that gorgeous - at least in the head/face area - but Australorps are an exception
as they have the prettiest expressive and open faces with large dark brown eyes and lots of
red on their faces. They are also very calm and even allow me to pet them ( begrudgingly but
they do allow it ) whereas my other birds 'run screaming' whenever I try to touch them.
So far the quietest birds I have are my silkies. My Buff Orps, Javas, and Delaware love to sing along to everyone else's egg song, so it gets pretty noisey from about 7-10am. LOL
My barnevelders were relatively quiet. They laid a very large egg, and frequently when laying, but had a tendency for the whole group going broody together and not laying at all.
My black australorps are very quiet and docile, lay great. My buff orpingtons have LOUD egg songs. . And screech!
I have Barred Rocks, Welsummers, EEs and Australorps. Of these four breeds the EEs and the
Australorps are the quietest. I've never heard my EEs do the egg song at all and the Australorps have a much lower volume one than the BRs and Wellies.

If you've never had Australorps I would vote for you to try a few of those pullets. IMHO, most
hens are not that gorgeous - at least in the head/face area - but Australorps are an exception
as they have the prettiest expressive and open faces with large dark brown eyes and lots of
red on their faces. They are also very calm and even allow me to pet them ( begrudgingly but
they do allow it ) whereas my other birds 'run screaming' whenever I try to touch them.

I have an Australorp, Aretha, who's a blabbermouth! She sings a loud egg song every time *any* of the hens lay. The rest of the time she just yaks up a storm ... from sun up to sun down. My EEs are quiet. The rest, Wyandotte, BR, and BO, yak some, but aren't too loud. Aretha drowns them out!

I think it's just the individual personality of the chicken. But, after reading this thread, it sounds like EEs are the quietest ... and they produce pretty eggs!

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