Need some advice on my limping chicken


Oct 4, 2014
I have a White Leghorn that has been limping for a week now. It is her left leg & she puts no weight on it. She does like to fly up on the top of the coop. So I'm hoping she sprained it. I was able to put her on her back in my lap & examine both legs. At the time, I could not find any differences. She does not have any sores on the bottom of her feet so I ruled out Bumblefoot. I took her out & confined her, but she has not gotten any better. She eats & drinks fine. But she has stopped laying. Today, I reexamined her & noticed that there is a little swelling in the elbow(?) joint. She did hop up on the edge of the box I have her in, but again, she puts no weight on the left leg. I thought about taking her back out to the coop/run to be with her pals, but not sure I should. I'm wondering if I should take her to the vet? I appreciate any feedback.
How long has she had the injury? Swollen hocks can be from an injury or from some different conditions, such as a leg bone deformity causing a tendon to rupture, mycoplasma synoviae (MS,) viral arthritis or tenosynovitis. More than likely, though, it is an injury. My large hen who suffered a bad sprained limped for 5 weeks before she got better, and high roosts were to blame. A baby aspirin twice a day given by mouth or hidden in food, may help with inflammation in the joint. If you have seen any respiratory disease in your flock, then MS would be more a concern. A vet is always a good thing if you don't see improvement.
She has been limping for a week now. All the other hens seem to be healthy, no respiratory, etc. Our roost are about 12-18 inches high. She has also stopped laying. She has been confined the whole week now, but since yesterday, seems anxious to get out of confinement. Yesterday & today, whenever I remove the wire top to the container I have her in, she immediately hops up on the edge & sits. Balancing with 1 wing of course. I'm tempted to put her back out with the other girls but afraid to do so yet. I will also try the aspirin treatment. I appreciate your input.

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