Need some advice


In the Brooder
Jun 6, 2017
Going on about 2 weeks now two of My 6 week old chicks have been lethargic and keep eyes closed throughout the day. They even walk around the coop with their eyes shut. They will occasionally peek out their eyes so I know they can open. Their is no discharge from their eyes, nose, or beaks and their poop seems normal. They seem to eat and drink normally and are still growing. They are fed medicated chick starter and have electrolytes in their water. Any suggestions/advice on what could be going on would be great!
95 is too hot for 6 week old chicks, usually by that age mine are weaned off extra heat and are out in the coop. I would try cutting down on the heat slowly and see if it helps.
They have the option for cooler (75) but they tend to stay under the light where it's warmer. They were in the garage where I was cutting down on heat but when I moved them to a separate coop I wanted to give the option for heat in case they had a "cold" or something

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