Need some assistance plz!!!


9 Years
Mar 19, 2010
Central City
Im so excited.
For Mother's Day my wonderful hubby got me 2 Pekin Ducklings. They are so adorable
. Well unfortunately
I'm not the brightest when it comes to caring for ducks so I was wanting to know if they make a Raising Ducks for Dummies or any good websites to go to that will help me in this exciting and new adventure!!
Mrs.HENderson :

Im so excited.
For Mother's Day my wonderful hubby got me 2 Pekin Ducklings. They are so adorable
. Well unfortunately
I'm not the brightest when it comes to caring for ducks so I was wanting to know if they make a Raising Ducks for Dummies or any good websites to go to that will help me in this exciting and new adventure!!

well i just looked on google but i got mine from the tractor supplies company store and they have 1 magizin there that helped me also books from the library.ohh i forgot to tell you that in the magazin theres websites in there that can help to.

p.s. congrats your a mommy!
congrats! i am new to the little darlings- but here is what i've learned, put them on towels, not shavings, feed them duck, turkey starter, not medicated chick starter, it will make them sick. For a waterer cut a hole in a milk jug so they can dip their beak in but not splash in.... give them a cabbage leaf to nibble on, and sit on the floor with them so they can get used to you- ok, the other thing, i am on a great duck yahoo group that might help

they have lots of files there....
Hi, I've raised 15 pekin ducklings that we hatched in an incubator. I gave them duck starter for the first few weeks. They just love any greens(spinach, kale, dandelions peas etc) chopped up fine in a bowl of water, or in the bath tub. I gave them warm baths after the first week.. not too deep, and only for a short time, watching that they didn't get chilled. Then dried off and back under the heat lamp. Handle them lots.. they don't tame all that easily, and even when they grow they are more nervous than chickens and can act like they don't know you( how upsetting!) They are totally adorable and very comical generally. They really need their greens as they grow, and if you have a spot where they can root around in the soil for grubs and worms and slugs, they'll keep your garden free of those. Have fun!
Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks.

Worth twice the price!

You can preview up to, I think 50 pages before you get locked out online (don't know the url but someone on this forum told me about it).

I have found a few differences in raising ducklings and chicks, such as ducklings' way of splashing around with their water more, and making it messier, and I don't think medicated feed is a good thing (there are those who disagree), and ducklings need three times more niacin in their feed. They all need warm temperatures (I find the recommendations are a bit different for the two), clean, dry bedding, safety from predators, clean water, nutritious food, and regular, patient attention.
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