Need some hatching buddies - Hatching May 24-28

Good Luck everyone!!!
Mind if I hatch along?

Hi! My hatch is due on 5/24.
I set Birchen Cochin and Mille Fleurs from my Birchen bantam Trio and Mille pair.
I'm excited about this hatch, I have been experimenting with homemade incubator ideas. I have a GE skillet that I got over a 90% hatch rate in last time. I just set this hatch in a Black and Decker Toaster Oven! It holds the temperature even better than my Pan-o-Bator.
Here are some pictures of my Cochin Trio and the chicks that came out of the Pan-o-Bator!

Happy Hatching!

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I'm in too. I set mine early so I am due on the 22. I started with 10 but am already down to 9 for one had a crack in it. I also have two due in the 9th for my LARGE eggs quit.
Well I just came back from Post eggs!! That means they will come in (hopefully) around noon today. I candled the eggs I got yesterday and no cracks but the majority were very porous! I'm concerned after paying out $100 for these 12. Not feeling good about this next hatch...deja vu ...starting out not as planned.

Welcome aboard all the new May hatchers....Writer of Words your birthday is two days off from my moms.
We hear the morels are popping up and haven't had time to get out to look...hubby will go with a friend today. He won't take him to the BEST spots because as all good 'rroomers can tell someone your spot but only if you have plans to "do them in"...hee hee;)
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What kink of eggs did you get? I'm new to this, how can you tell if they are porous?

When you first get your want to candle them to look for cracks. When I candled these the pores show up as dark spots ..sort of. Usually the shell feels rough also and not smooth. I've had some hatch but usually if they are TOO porous...they don't retain the moisture as they should during incubation.

On a happy note...the post office called me appears the package of eggs was there after all and just missed. So I went back and picked them 14 Blue/Splash/Black Jersey Giants and these eggs look GREAT! Total eggs; 27 and I will start tonight at 6pm. Due date: May 26th!! Feeling better now and not so "doomed"!
will have to "stack" the 3 extra eggs in my Brinsea until I candle on day 7 and remove any infertiles to make room.

I called the post office this morning and my second box of eggs didn't arrive today either. Assuming they do show up tomorrow that will mean a 4 day trip in the mail for these 24 eggs. My hope for their hatching is EXTREMELY low now. Disappointing. I am glad I didn't keep the 12 delaware eggs that I got yesterday out of the incubator until today. Hopefully I'll have a great hatch with them.
Did you do the UPS "track and confirm" check? My eggs yesterday were suppose to be at the P.O according to track and confirm. However...they were not. I called them again at 9am and asked them to check again since they SHOULD have been there. They were not. At 12:30 pm...they called and said they just arrived from Traverse city. ??? So...I got them. I'd check again later.

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