Need some help IDing 11 day old chicks


10 Years
Feb 12, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
YELLOW GROUP (Hatchery chicks adopted by a black cochin hen)

There should be three or four different breeds in here - I know the green legged birds are EEs

The black and yellow all have feathered feet.
1 is all black - maybe a black cochin?
Some have yellow wings and are on the small side - mottled Cochin bantams?
The chicks with the eyebar and patterned wings, no idea.

The dark ones in the striped group are partridge rocks I think. But that's all I know other then they are all so stinkin cute!!
The mostly stripped group has some EEs,speckled sussexs, and welsummers or brown leghorns(welsummers and brown leghorns are identical as chicks).
Thanks Nike and CCCCCCCCHICKENS — I love trying out a new breed so I hope you are both right. I'm pretty excited to see how they grow up. :) I have a few Brown Leghorns, it would be great if these included any of the following: Partridge Rocks, Wellsummers, Barnevelders and/or Speckled Sussex. Let's hope.
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