Need some help Please....


THE Delaware Blue Hen
12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Home Of The Delaware Blue Hen
I am expecting my little Partridge cochin Baby boy anytime now. I was wondering if I got a silkie, would it do ok with him being so big? I have 7 BO girls and I know they will be a good size for him. I have always wanted a silkie, but worried about getting one with such large breeds of chickens...Cochin roos are just so big....Silkies are small right?

Please help!
If you plan to keep them all together remember that silkie roo and cochin roo will mature and there could be fighting among the two males.
And duals between my 18 ounce silkie roo and 10.5 lb cochin cross are not pretty...

They live on different parts of yard, but sometimes do cross paths while free ranging. They don't share the same night coop. If it is a girl, a 10 lbs roo will crush and can do damage to a small hen when he does the roo thing.
That's what i was worried about..since they will be straight run, If I end up with a boy, that would be a bad fight..if a girl My boy will be too big....OK...well that about answers my question..better stick to just my little cochin roo...Thanks Guys!!

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