need some help with showmanship


Polish Obsessed
8 Years
Mar 7, 2011
Fort Worth, Tx
I am going to be doing youth showmanship. I wanted to know what will the judge expect. What all do i need to tell the judge. I have never done showmanship before and I need some info. Also does my bird need to be show quality to do showmanship, and what should i wear to it? Hope someone can help me Thanks:D
white long sleve dress shirt black pants
bird dosent have show quailty just in good shape
there was great artical in back yard poultry magisene that u can get a local tsc
intermediate showmanship then
in and ex ternal body parts
breeds in ur class
diffrence between fancy pure breed and producetin
read coop tag
name book the judge usesto judge poultry
in and ex ternal parasities
fundamenatals of setting up a breeeding penhatching brooder careing for chick
showroom superintentent
defect dq's
hen feathered breed
diffrence between hen pullet and cock cockerl
the breed veriety class
other verieties
the sex ur bird
any dq it has if any
part of the wing
how many toes type of comb eye color eye
Thank you chickendales and Timmy, this is very helpful. I will defiently use this when i do showmanship. The people on BYC are very helpful! Thanks again

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