Need Some Info for A Science Fair Project....


8 Years
Jul 22, 2011
Chicken Heaven
So Im Doing A Science Fair Project Off a Chickens Simple Life Cycle: Egg,Chick,Chicken. But im Doing a lot of details. I have the Egg , Embryo Growth And Hatching Done. You can PM me to see it ( I Dont Wanna clutter up the post : ) )

But i need some info on the Chicks " Step" into Chickenhood.

I Know some of You will help me Out!

I mean, Not to be harsh, But theres been 16 views and NO ANSWERS!

For real, Does anyone here know about chick maturity????



I'm not really sure what your asking. What do you want to know about chicken maturity? It would help if you would ask exact questions.
I am going to give you a disclaimer that I am a PhD candidate in Chemistry, so seeing information for a science fair project being requested on a public forum (no better - actually worse - than Wikipedia) is pretty irritating. Of course this is the result of your teachers/advisors not teaching you the scientific process, so I hope you believe that I only intend to help you understand why you should not be looking for information here.

Throwing a tantrum doesn't inspire anyone to answer your post. It actually does the opposite. People look at posts and if they cannot contribute meaningfully, they do not post. You have not clearly specified what you are looking for and therefore most people can't help you. Do you want to know about how feather growth rate is a sex-linked trait and must be specifically bred for if it is to be relied upon for sexing purposes?

Most of this information can be found in poultry science literature, which is actually where you should get it if you are doing a science fair project to compete for any sort of prize. Contact the Poultry Science department of any major university (most states have an agriculture school that will have a poultry science department) and get your information from a legitimate source. They will be able to give you all kinds of reading material and communications that will be regarded as reliable information.

This is the most important lesson you could ever learn about science - it is not a matter of opinion and information from people without credentials, however well-meaning, cannot be trusted or relied upon and will certainly not win you any sort of science fair prize.

You may be able to find a lot of good information in the "Breeds, Genetics and Showing" section. If you plan to use information from people on this site, ask them for their business information or a website so you can cite these sources appropriately. However, many people here have learned from books as well as experience, and you should consider going to the library or local university library and using these resources yourself.
Blazejester, Sorry i know i was getting frustrated, and i still am. its just there have been 54 views and no one here seems to know anything about chick maturity, but i'm sure they do. Thats why im upset.

But please, im sure if you are possibly getting a PhD, You know about Chicken maturity.

I'm not asking for a specific breed, just the majority of Chicks.

I admit i was getting heated over this, So sorry.

Please ( All BYC ) Just " spit it out!" So to speak.

Okay - what exactly do you want to know?

I have hens - pullets that just passed their point of lay - that means they just started laying eggs. So I can tell you that of the 5 different breeds I have, they all matured at different times. Their combs and wattles got red, they got bigger and then they started laying eggs.

But like a lot of the folks here, I don't know squat about chicks as I don't raise them.

There are plenty of good references out there - and for a science fair project you might want to raise a few chicks yourself to gather data from personally. But if you want answers in a public forum, you must ask specific questions.

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