Need some support

Hi Mrs. Gibber,

I'm about a little over an hour from Hartford. But I'd be willing to meet half way. This weekend I'm actually going to a chicken swap on Saturday in NH but next weekend I'm flexible. Plus I'll have more new chickies next weekend.

Let me know what you think. Where are you coming from again around Hartford?

REALLY!! That would be so great. I am in Bolton, CT which is only about 15 minutes outside of Hartford. What would be a good halfway point for you?

Do you know what breeds you are hatching? How much do you want for them??

You are putting a very large smile on my face right now.
Leah-yes I know I'm crazy :

Gotta love this place...

NO KIDDING....some of the best people I've ever encountered.​
Let me look in the incubator tonight and confirm what is hatching next week. I know I have some light brahmas hatching later this week and some little mutt bantams. But next week I know I have some buff orpingtons but I cannot remember what else I have. And how does Sturbridge sound? I actually live near where Mass, RI and CT meet if somewhere around there makes more sense.
I just checked back in on this thread! Things are looking up already, aren't they

Must Be Losing It - you are so wonderful! MrsGibber asked for support, and you did her one better. I'm so glad you two hooked up and live close enough to work this out. This is great!!!

I just love BYC.

Sturbridge would be perfect. I can't believe you'd do this for me....thank you sooo much!

I'd love a Buff Orpington or two, I don't know what light Brahmas are I'll have to look those up. What we had gotten were an Araucana, RIR, Plymoth Barred Rock, and Buff Orpington but I'd be happy with any that are hardy in winter, fairly docile and lay lots of nice eggs.
Would you know if they are male or female yet?
I will let you know tonight what else I have. But gosh no on sexing. I'm not qualified to do that with chicks as they're not sex linked. Even the experts screw up sometimes. And of course with eggs you'll never know what you are getting. Are you okay with straight run?
I'm so glad you are encouraged to start again. A bad first experience can taint our view but if just one person can help you see how wonderful it really is, you'll know the first time was a fluke.

Go for the Light Brahmas! I just hatched eight chicks and I am so completely in love with them. Of course, today (thanks to two of our very own BYC enablers), I have 43 eggs going into the incubator for an April 8th hatch date

Chicks make it so much more fun but you will never regret giving yourself a second chance to take advantage of what you prepared for and looked so forward to!

That is the WORD

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