Need some support

Once you get new chickens, you will be mad at yourself for ever doubting them!
They are amazing creatures!
I would suggest going to get chicks from another source, maybe a different store, if you want a different outcome.
It's probably not the store's fault and especially not the chicken's.
You guys are so wonderful. I am feeling excited already. Fuzzy butts it is! I don't mind at all waiting for them to could be next spring and I wouldn't care. I just loved the few days I had with these pullets. Each one with their own personalities. I am hooked and there is now stopping me now.

MrsGibber - I read your post about getting your pullets, and then learning they were ill. I feel so bad for you. It was really a horrible experience, and I am sorry you had to go through it.

I, too, recommend starting with baby chics. If your family loved watching the pullets and grew attached so quickly, just wait until they lay their eyes on a bunch of cute little fuzzy butts! I think you would all really enjoy it. And it really isn't much work - just requires a little time. But I always enjoyed the time I spent with my chicks - and probably spent way more time with them than was required, because they really are so much fun.

Either find a local breeder, or order your chicks on-line. Whichever is easier for you or makes the most sense to you. I understand you feel bummed right now, but I think some baby chicks will be the perfect cure

Let us know what you decide!

Take care,
Mrs. Gibber,

What a sad story, I understand your disappointment. If I can help, let me know. I seem to have my incubator going when I shouldn't and have plenty of chicks on the way if you are interested.

I am so sorry you had this experience.
I am also glad you have decided not to give up. Another added advantage to starting with baby chicks is getting them totally used to you. While some will, most likely, still be a bit standoffish as adults (though maybe not) you will have chickens that follow you around like little puppies.
It is amazing to watch them grow and see how fast the process is of going from a sweet little ball of fluff to a gorgeous adult chicken. Good luck and enjoy your new little ones!!!
They're definitely worth it! It sounds like you bought from a bad breeder. Get to know individuals before you buy birds. There are many truely wonderful people out there that will get you healthy happy birds, but some just don't have such candid intentions. I'm sorry your first experience had to be such a disappointment though! Chickens are such a blast. Disinfect everything thoroughly, give it 2-4 weeks to air out and let any other pathogens die, and start over. I'd get chicks from a hatchery. Sure they're a little more maintainence, but raising them from babies is even more rewarding. Good luck!
I'm so sorry you are having such a bad experience. I would return those sick chickens, clean everything out and go to the nearest feed store and get some babies. They are so cute... I love mine, I got them almost 5 weeks ago. My buff orpingtons will be ready to go into there brand new coop in 3 weeks. They are so easy to care for, really it is only, warmth, water, food and cleanliness. Also, getting them from the feed store means you can pick out what breed you want.

Remember the reasons you wanted to get chickens: fresh eggs, healthier than anything you could buy at the store, backyard ornaments... and silly, funny pets...!
I did really get to know the farm where I got them. They are shocked by what is happening. Said they went away a few days and came back to two dead birds and it's taken off from there. I just want a fresh start. I think Chicks are the way to go for us.
THanks Julie. I want chicks and I want em NOW!! Someone her just said it would be the perfect cure for my chicken woes and I think they are right.

How far are you from Hartford, CT? I'd be interested in yours if you are willing to part with them.
Chic's Chickens :

I'm so sorry you are having such a bad experience. I would return those sick chickens, clean everything out and go to the nearest feed store and get some babies. They are so cute... I love mine, I got them almost 5 weeks ago. My buff orpingtons will be ready to go into there brand new coop in 3 weeks. They are so easy to care for, really it is only, warmth, water, food and cleanliness. Also, getting them from the feed store means you can pick out what breed you want.

Remember the reasons you wanted to get chickens: fresh eggs, healthier than anything you could buy at the store, backyard ornaments... and silly, funny pets...!

I agree!!! I spent sooo much time in the run with these guys it's rediculous. I'd keep saying, oh I have to go in the house and get some stuff done and then another 20 minutes would pass, then another 20 and so on. I think I am totally meant to be a chicken mama, just have to get off to a better start.​

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