Need to get rid of FLYS!!! they are constantly on the chickens and ducks food. Any ideas?

Eliminate the poop. I clean the coop and run every time I see poop. For the lawn I take a sprayer from the hose and spray the poo with water. If it doesn't bake in the sun too long, it melts right into the ground. I also use fly traps since we are overrun with deer/horse flies this year. Those flies thrive in swampy areas.:/

By keeping the poop away, you'll have much less flies. I've never had a fly issue.
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I agree shadow rabbit -- I tried one of those plastic jugs filled with fly attractant last year and even though it was brand new it smelled HORRIBLE! No flies in it, just opened = gag gag gag. I re-hung it away from the run because it smelled so bad. After 2 weeks there were only 3 flies in it so I threw it away.

The vanilla trees *nods* I have the best smelling coop on the block. I also use the same brand spray, bought in the same section.

DE sprinkled everywhere helps too. Stall Dry / Dri Stall contains DE and odor absorbers too ~ I use any/all of these in a catch basin under their roosting area.
I bought my fly bags from the store though. They did work. Ours got filled to the top. and, the smelt so bad that we threw them away.
Thanks for all the fly trap ideas everyone.
And on DE, I hope no one feels like that will take care of the parasite problems with chickens. Please check out my link I have posted on my signature line. DE really doesn't help with roundworms and parasites, but I still use it in the coop, the bedding and in their feed but don't rely solely on it for parasite control.
PS, I just passed the 1000 mark on postings!!! I just had to share my excitement!!!
Maggots don't stand a chance with my birds. THEY EAT THEM! My compost bin will sometimes get maggies on the fresher vegetable matter I throw in there. You can tell when they are in there because my birds are on it big time. I don't think they will leave until every last one has been eaten. The Hot temps...Meh...Thats something I and my birds have to put up with every year. To be a weatherman in these parts this time a year is pretty easy. Everyday its Hot. 100 degrees. With a 20% chance of thunder showers. The Flys???? I don't know what to do about those buggers. I tried a big fan blowing over the feeding area. It kept the flies down but bothered the chickens too much. I'll be following this thread for Ideas.
The only way I know is to buy those traps that have attractant in a container. Flys go in and don't come back out. Its a good year for bugs. It was warm all winter giving bugs a leg up at spring to multiply early. Fleas, we spray every week.
Letting my birds free range isn't an option for us right now. It has been so hot and dry for so long Missouri and surrounding states have had all the predators coming in even during the day to eat our chickens, guineas, cat food and dog food. For the first time in 6 years we had raccoons get in our run then walk through the door to kill chickens. Even with the blood hounds running free. Lost 3 guineas that have to free range due to they would run my pullets to death in the heat.
My only help is fans and fly bottle traps. Good luck everybody!
That sounds awesome. I will try this.
So many great suggestions and im trying them all! Except gettin a horse lmao! i'm pretty sure my husband would leave me

it is nearly impossible for me to keep their food area clean becaise everytime they eat they get food all over. Same with the chickens. Then the maggots live under the mats and I didnt know they were there. But they dribble water out too. First off under the mats i'm going to put DE and maybe it will keep them from breedin. Man I do hate flys
Is there a way to build a stand for your chicken feed to be placed on and do away with the mats. Seems like in all your conversations is the 'mats' are your problem breeding area for flies. Take the mats away for a while and let the area dry out. See if that helps. I'm just saying....................................... :)
Some people ('we' included) use food grade Diatomaceous Earth. It's non-toxic and natural external and internal bug control.

I sprinkle it on the floor of the coop with the scratch. According to the literature, if the animals eat it there will be fewer maggots to hatch into flies. Some people mix it in the food. It will also take care of body bugs if you mix a little in their dust bath spot. I also sprinkle it under their roost (thinking those little devils will contact it there and self-destruct) far, so good.

Granted we live in NW Wyoming and our summers aren't as hot as some BYC enthusiasts report, however, there are still bugs, flies, etc in the area...and, we have horses, too...right near the Chicken Shack...yet very, very few flies, etc. It's at least worth a look.

There are a couple of great websites about the subject: or

Good Luck:)!!
Some people ('we' included) use food grade Diatomaceous Earth. It's non-toxic and natural external and internal bug control.

I sprinkle it on the floor of the coop with the scratch. According to the literature, if the animals eat it there will be fewer maggots to hatch into flies. Some people mix it in the food. It will also take care of body bugs if you mix a little in their dust bath spot. I also sprinkle it under their roost (thinking those little devils will contact it there and self-destruct) far, so good.

Granted we live in NW Wyoming and our summers aren't as hot as some BYC enthusiasts report, however, there are still bugs, flies, etc in the area...and, we have horses, too...right near the Chicken Shack...yet very, very few flies, etc. It's at least worth a look.

There are a couple of great websites about the subject: or

Good Luck:)!!
I am a big fan of DE too. I use it on my dogs, in the coop...anywhere really, in the garden, etc. Non toxic, organic, and inexpensive.
I agonized over flies last summer, thinking of traps, pesticides, fancy anti-fly dance moves, etc until I was about to go crazy. Then I ran into fly-tape at the store for like a dollar, and could have smacked myself. It took 3 days, and I was fly free. Sometimes I get in my own way :p.

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