Need to sex Call Ducks

I have 4 calls... 2 boys and 2 girls 5 months.... my boys both have the olive green on their bills.. I have an all white female that i remember let out her first HONK !!! I was crackin up... she is still VERY loud... my other girl can get somewhat loud but she is almost as quiet as the boys.... and at about 3ish months the boys started getting their drake curls. from my little experience Id say the left is male and the right one is female..
Don't feel bad, ruralmom, I have raised ducks for about three decades now and still can't tell gender by voice sometimes (in young birds). I know there is some way that people swear they can do it with ducklings by how the duckling peeps or something. I have raised in the hundreds of ducklings and could never tell any difference in how the males and females peep at that age. Of course, once they are about 4-6 weeks old, they should begin to quack. Even that though is much easier with some breeds of ducks than others. It is fairly easy with large ducks, but a huge percentage of my bantam ducks never make a full on quack- both the males and females can sound very similar.
I was afraid of that cause I only have one female to three males and I am not sure if that is a safe ratio for the girl. Will she get ganged up on by the boys? If that is the case I will be have some drakes to get rid of shortly.
Yes I think they will gang up on her, I have been closely watching mine and although it hasnt gotten bad yet, I hope to get one or two more girls.. One of my boys is really sweet and the other seems pretty aggressive.. I just dont want to take a chance on anyone getting hurt...
its the famous 50's ducks *** hairstyle on the boy ducks .i need to find a quicker way. im getting 15 ducks and making families from 2 breeders - going to use male from one breeder with females from the other. i have yet to get better than 3 to 1 male to female ratio.
I have a 6 week snowy call duck that I believe is a female. Does anyone have a picture of one at the same age so I can tell? No quacks yet.....just whistles, chirps, and makes a "Mip" sound. I don't want to try vent sexing because I heard it's dangerous to the baby if you don't know what your doing. When do their true colors begin to show? I heard if they have a black bill, then it's a male.
I will need to get this set up tomorrow. Pretty sure mine is a girl. Is 6 weeks but no quacking yet.
More brown, stripes starting on wings, black bill. Feet were black, now turning peach. I believe my snowy call duck is a female. I just call her: Baby. Will work out for either a girl or a boy.

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