Needing lots of advise!


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2019
First of all, I am terrible at computers so all of you who are excellent at computers, bare with me! I have a question about chickens ----I bought 3 cinnamon queens last week--the guy was going to sell me 4 but saw that one had an eye closed and thought she had something in it so he did not sell it to me. I had reservations but went ahead on bought the 3--I have been out of town on business and my husband noticed a chicken had a closed eye yesterday and is dead today. So what do I potentially have and how should I treat the other hens. I have 2 cinnamons, 1 buff orpington , 2 hmongs and a hmong rooster. Should I treat the water with Corid or is there something else I should do? The cinnamon hens are about 8 months old.
First of all, I am terrible at computers so all of you who are excellent at computers, bare with me! I have a question about chickens ----I bought 3 cinnamon queens last week--the guy was going to sell me 4 but saw that one had an eye closed and thought she had something in it so he did not sell it to me. I had reservations but went ahead on bought the 3--I have been out of town on business and my husband noticed a chicken had a closed eye yesterday and is dead today. So what do I potentially have and how should I treat the other hens. I have 2 cinnamons, 1 buff orpington , 2 hmongs and a hmong rooster. Should I treat the water with Corid or is there something else I should do? The cinnamon hens are about 8 months old.
Did you place the new birds in a proper quarantine or are they currently mingling with your existing flock?
First, you really need to figure out some way to get them away from your existing flock. It might be too late, already, but it might not, depending on what they have, and how strongly they are spreading germs.
Second, do you have accesss to an avian vet? It would be helpful to know what, exactly, you're facing, and a vet could run several tests to find out.
If a vet is unavailable (which isn't unusual, or this particular forum wouldn't have much need to exist), here's some things to look for:

Any swelling around the face, on one side or both
Any drainage or gunk clogging up one or both nares [nostrils]
Any drainage or gunk on or around one or both eyes
Any gunk in or around either ear canal
Anything in their mouth or throat that isn't supposed to be there
Do they fill up their crop (the bump on their chest above the breast muscles on the right side, at the spot where their neck meets their body) at night, and is it empty when they wake up?
Are there any signs of lice or mites under their feathers, especially around the vent [cloaca] or under the tail feathers?
Are they extra skinny, so that there doesn't feel like there's any muscle on either side of that bone [keel] that runs through their chest?

If they're dying so quickly, you might have a very virulent disease going on. Pictures, closeups of their faces, ears, eyes, even vents, may be helpful to let us help you.

For starters, I would suggest quickly getting some vitamins/electrolytes in them, either gatorade or pedialyte if you dont have water soluble vitamins like Durvet makes. Cut it in half with water, and try to get them to drink their fill of it. If you can get the jar of Durvet mix, it comes with a little measuring cup of its own, or it comes in packets, too. No matter what's going on, that certainly couldn't hurt them, as they can battle whatever this is better when they're hydrated.

And a note of import: Once you get the new, sick ones away form the existing flock, be sure to take care of the existing flock first, then the ill ones, each day, and never the other way around. Once you take care of the new ones, clean up with soap and water, and preferably change your clothes, so you don't raise the chances any more of cross-contamination. I know they were together for awhile, but removing them will still be the best chance of keeping your existing flock safer.
First of all, I am terrible at computers so all of you who are excellent at computers, bare with me! I have a question about chickens ----I bought 3 cinnamon queens last week--the guy was going to sell me 4 but saw that one had an eye closed and thought she had something in it so he did not sell it to me. I had reservations but went ahead on bought the 3--I have been out of town on business and my husband noticed a chicken had a closed eye yesterday and is dead today. So what do I potentially have and how should I treat the other hens. I have 2 cinnamons, 1 buff orpington , 2 hmongs and a hmong rooster. Should I treat the water with Corid or is there something else I should do? The cinnamon hens are about 8 months old.
First of all, I am terrible at computers so all of you who are excellent at computers, bare with me! I have a question about chickens ----I bought 3 cinnamon queens last week--the guy was going to sell me 4 but saw that one had an eye closed and thought she had something in it so he did not sell it to me. I had reservations but went ahead on bought the 3--I have been out of town on business and my husband noticed a chicken had a closed eye yesterday and is dead today. So what do I potentially have and how should I treat the other hens. I have 2 cinnamons, 1 buff orpington , 2 hmongs and a hmong rooster. Should I treat the water with Corid or is there something else I should do? The cinnamon hens are about 8 months old.

I lost my Hmong rooster last winter. I'm looking for a rooster or fertile eggs. Can you help? Do your birds look like this?
First of all, I am terrible at computers so all of you who are excellent at computers, bare with me! I have a question about chickens ----I bought 3 cinnamon queens last week--the guy was going to sell me 4 but saw that one had an eye closed and thought she had something in it so he did not sell it to me. I had reservations but went ahead on bought the 3--I have been out of town on business and my husband noticed a chicken had a closed eye yesterday and is dead today. So what do I potentially have and how should I treat the other hens. I have 2 cinnamons, 1 buff orpington , 2 hmongs and a hmong rooster. Should I treat the water with Corid or is there something else I should do? The cinnamon hens are about 8 months old.
Are they pecking each other? She could've had her eye pecked and died of infection. Was it closed for only one day?

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